The Company
Founded in 2004, Garantia das Quintas, Sociedade Agrícola e Comercial, Lda. is mainly focused on the production and comercialization in the winegrowing area.
Result from all members’ passion and dedication, the products represented by Garantia das Quintas honor the company, asserting its name: Garantia (guarantee).
The current and main members enhance the family that have given rise to the company: António Pinto, Rosa Maria Pinto and their daughter, Mónica Pinto.
The wide vineyard, with about 60 hectares and certificated grapes in Integrated Production and GlobalG.A.P., is mainly located in Celorico de Basto, Basto sub-region of the Vinho Verde Demarcated Region.
Quinta de Santa Cristina also gives name to the main brand of the product portfolio. In addition, there are the brands Séquito and Santa Cristina.
The administrative services are decentralized in relation to the estate. They are located in Leça do Balio.